Kodi Media Centre buffering issue

Hi all I’m new to Raspberry PI and am having Buffering issues with the Kodi Media Centre kit.
I am running 1080p MOV files from USB and it is very jerky.
any suggestions?

Hmm sounds interesting Eli, could be a few different things, but first I’d try both copying a file to the SD card and playing it from there to see if it’s a Pi hardware issue, and then try a different USB drive to stream from.

My sd card is only showing a capacity of 511mb. It’s supposed to be 8 gb.

If I copy the sd cards contents to my computer and format the sd will I be able to re-install the software on the formatted SD?

Hi Eli,

Have you tried these tips?

If I copy the sd cards contents to my computer and format the sd will I be able to re-install the software on the formatted SD?

Don’t do that - it doesn’t work the way you think it does! If you wipe the card, you’ll wipe the OS. If you reinstall the OS, you’ll format the card. If you are not familiar with FTP etc, then it’s easier to use an external drive.

Great, Thanks Graham.
How do I access the 7.5 gig that aren’t showing up on the sd card?

Personally, FTP would be the easiest http://kodi.wiki/view/FTP

Followed closely by grabbing a $5 USB dongle from Officeworks!

Thank again Graham, will look it up.

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Hey Eli,
Check out the process posted here for recovering space that appears to be lost when using an SD Card with the Pi.

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130x USB dongle hasn’t fixed the prob. I had a look at the cpu usage whilst playing the file. CPU0 is running at about30-50% where as the others are regularly in the high 90’s.

Hi Eli,

Hardware aside, there are many software tips to checkout - what have you tried from the link I shared earlier?

I’m hoping to have a play with the things you mentioned this arvo or tomorrow. Will let you know how I go.

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