LoRa for Particle.Io Devices

I am working on a project that requires some long range comms. I was wondering if the Adafruit Lora modules are direct compatible with Particle.io modules. I notice that Particle sells feartherwing boards on their website so i wondered if they might be directly compatible.

Hi Arnold,

You could probably use the Adafruit Lora Modules with a Particle Electron or Photon to gain access to Particle.io. There are quite a few people doing that online from the looks of things, but I couldn’t find you a definitive guide.

My personal favorite LoRa platform at the moment is the Pycom Lopy4. If you haven’t checked it out yet I suggest you consider that as an option!

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@Stephen Thanks for the heads up! In hindsight and with further research i can see that the particle MPUs aren’t exactly the first choice for pairing with LoRa modules. I have adjusted my sights towards these little units: https://core-electronics.com.au/adafruit-feather-32u4-rfm96w-lora-radio-433mhz.html

They are compatible with the Arduino IDE :grinning:

Hi Arnold,

Those are great if you are going point to point, but if you want to connect to LoRaWAN you will need to go for either 915Mhz or 923Mhz.

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