SD Card Module - Need help wiring

I am trying to connect a SD card module that is exactly like this one (below)

I am unsure of how to correctly wire it up as the sites online I have found on how to connect it to a pico via male to female wires have varying ports that are being used

Help would be greatly appreciated =)


What are you connecting it to?
Is it a pico or something else? :slight_smile:

Yes, a pico W.

Ive been looking on the internet and there have been varying ways to connect it but its becoming a rabbit hole of confusion

If your also linking to the pico, just like this site, can you clarify why you can’t copy them?

Can you also clarify the phrase: “male to female wires have varying ports that are being used”
Are you saying you can’t copy them because you’re out of pins?

Because each website has different diagrams and ports to wire.

What I meant by this; male to female wires have varying ports that are being used. Was that these wires ‘male to female’ have been used according to these websites in connecting the sd card module to a pico in different ways by using differing ports

Sorry for the confusion

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That makes sense.
There are lots of ways program up a storm.
Is there one that looks promising to you but you can’t quite get to work?
Maybe you could link us that one?


Hi R_DJ,

To jump on what Pixmusix has said, from my understanding different websites are using different port for their tutorials entirely as a matter of preference.

Take this diagram for example from

As you can see they are connecting the CS, SCK, MOSI, +5V and GND connections are connected to the GP13, GP10, GP11, GP12, VBUS and GND pins.

On the Diagram of the Pico you should be able to see a repeating pattern of codes, most clearly down the left side of the diagram. With a lot of microcontrollers the pins that are available tend to have a lot of overlap so you can run multiple modules from the one Pico that may need access to the same sorts of pins.

My recommendation would be that as long as you take your wiring and code from the same place you should be fine. If you absolutely have to it isn’t terribly difficult to alter the pins used in pre-existing code to match your hardware setup.

To summarise, a lot of the pins on the Pico can be used for the same function but as long as you are following the same guide for your hardware and software setup you should be fine.

How this helps!

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