Setup for Raspberry Pi 5 Model B 8GB like TIM did in the video with Waveshare SIM7600G-H 4G HAT for Raspberry Pi - Unlock Mobile Connectivity and GPS!

Hello experts.

I would like to build my project using the new Raspberry Pi 5 to have the same functionalities from excelent tutorial build from TIM about SIM7600G-H 4G HAT for Raspberry Pi - Unlock Mobile Connectivity and GPS!

Which devices, guides and scripts I need to this? usin the new Raspberry Pi 5?
Could you please share with me the links for each product and what else I will need to install.

Tutorial Video

Hi @Gui.B - welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

There’s a full bill of materials and other handy tips in the article for this video :smiley: Every video we post has an article - have a look there and check back in if you run into trouble.

FYI the SIM7600 has attracted a lot of discussion on the forums. You might want to brush up on @Kym252504’s work here as they’ve done a lot of troubleshooting on getting to a working setup using a different network/SIM to that which was shown in the video.

@Gui.B Were you able to make it work with Raspberry Pi 5?

How facr have you procced with SIM7600G-H 4G HAT and the Raspberry Pi 5?