10-piece Hot Air Rework Soldering Nozzle Kit (ADA3596)

Hi James.
Thanks for that. I thought they may have fitted onto my gas tool as they looked a lot smaller in the pics. However when I did what I should have done in the first place and measured approximately on the computer screen and scaled it to the known dimension (the output hole) I can see the larger size and would not have asked the question.

Regarding the smaller sizes. I have made a couple of comments about using nozzles smaller that what is provided with heat guns here

Multi-Colored Heat Shrink Pack - 3/32 + 1/8 + 3/16 Diameters (ADA1649)

and I think this would apply here. Probably OK if heat turned down in proportion as if you used one of the smaller bits and got a bit ambitious with the heat setting the nozzle would glow a bright cherry red until the heating element expired.

I have seen this happen on a quite regular basis even with very well made and reputable (Raychem) expensive hot air guns.

A note of caution in the description text might not go astray.
Cheers Bob