7" DFROBOT DSI Touchscreen V1.0

I have installed the 7" DFROBOT DSI Touchscreen V1.0 on a R Pi 3b - remounted the connecting cable multiple times, but the screen still does nothing. R Pi doesn’t appear to recognise the screen. Power supply is 2A. Any thoughts?

Hi @Nicholas252245,

There could be few things to check to see where the issue is.

The 2A power supply should be enough for the display. Apparently there can be stability issues if there is;t enough power but the displays should show some signs of life.

If you have it also connected to a HDMI display it may be worth checking if there are any display errors using dmesg | grep -i display

It can also be worth double checking that the cable is installed correctly according to the Wiki as well as making sure your Pi is up to date with its software.

Aaron, thanks for the prompt reply, much appreciated. I have done a fresh install of 64-bit Bookworm on the SD card. I can VNC and ssh into the Pi no worries. First thing I always do after a fresh install is update && upgrade. dmesg | grep -i display returns nothing to terminal. I have ensured that the ribbon cable is correctly oriented and firmly inserted. I have reseated the short ribbon cable 3 times, and have even tried the supplied longer ribbon cable twice. Have even tried xrandr to set the resolution but it returns “Can’t open display”. Maybe DOA?

Thanks for the information.

The only other thing I can think of is checking the config file to see if the DSI connector is enabled.

  1. Run the command sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt to open the config.txt file
  2. Look for the line dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d


#Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver

I have a Pi 4 here that I’m using for a LoraWAN project, but maybe I should pull that apart and test the screen on that first?

Testing with the Pi 4 might be a good idea, Just makes it more likely there’s an issue on the display than the Pi then.

If it doesn’t work on the Pi 4 reach out on your order confirmation email and we can look into this further there for you.

Will do, thanks. Still have a DOA suspicion … but you never know!!! :slight_smile:

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Pi 4 test complete. (Fresh SD card install etc.) Nothing …

@Nicholas252245 If you can reply to the order confirmation email we can look into this further for you.

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I have had so many orders from you guys in the last two months, how do I easily search for which one it was???

You can just start a new email if you can’t find it.

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