BLE Mesh network setup and integration


Some of my drawings from the paper -
I can expand as we start the discussion.

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Hi Olly,

Thanks for posting on the forum, can you please clarify what you would like to discuss? I can’t see any questions or project specifications/descriptions from the items that you’ve posted.

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I would like to setup a BLE “mesh” between the BLE sense and the standard nano ble so I can transfer data to it as a temporary store and then and the nano ble acting as a gateway on it to the internet repository.
I am in a hurry - can you point me to some completed projects or some documentation that would help me iron out this before the end of the week end.
Please! From Graham’s email and my replies to now nothing has progressed to say that there is something I can use. The week end is upon us and I know by this evening - I will have to give up getting anything from CoreElectr. before the end of the week end. So please help me asap.
Thanks and regards

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I would suggest going through the documentation from Arduino regarding using the Arduino BLE and BLE Sense, it also has a series of guides that you can follow to get it set up with some example projects so that you can work out the best way to apply that hardware in your project:

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