Flashing Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ with Ubuntu

I’m trying to flash my Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu. I’ve format the SD card and put the image on it but all I’m getting is the rainbow screen with the lightning bolt. Both Micro SD card and power supply are sound. Any help appreciated

Hey Paul,

Are you using the Raspberry Pi Version of Ubuntu? The standard(x86 or 64) versions won’t work on the Raspberry Pi because the processor uses ARM.

Thanks for the reply. The image I was using was Ubuntu MATE https://ubuntu-mate.org/raspberry-pi/ . However I will try Ubuntu Core. Are you aware of much of a difference?

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Hey Paul,
Ubuntu MATE is a ‘full’ version of Ubuntu that uses a different (more lightweight) desktop environment. It’s a really popular linux distro as it’s so easy to use! Similarly to Raspbian, this could be used as a standalone PC that you use, like any PC. Ubuntu Core is designed for use on IoT devices, and such is a more stripped down version of Ubuntu that will rely on updates/installations of packages to operate in a similar way.

Are you using a NOOBs card to install these OS? Or are you downloading the files separately and creating your own bootable SD cards?