HomeStation - A Pico W powered webpage dashboard

Howdy Makers,

Just finished some programming for the Pico W and thought I’d share so you can start playing with your new piece of kit :smiley:

What the code do

  • Update the sensor data on the webpage without having to refresh
  • Use some neato HTML5 elements on the page to control something
  • Make all of the above as accessible as possible (Still working on getting everything broken down into easy to use functions and HTML blocks)
  • And above all make things convenient - stuff like: optionally show the IP address on an OLED etc
  • Much like Jim’s project, not relying on other services (a router is still required though)

As always if you have any questions or suggestions lemme know :slight_smile:

Mentioning some bits I think are neat/helpful

<p id="colour">{colour}</p>
using string formatting to build the webpage, would allow for a highly customisable interface

setInterval(function() {
}, 500);

The endpoint constantly asking for live sensor data

elif cmd_rq[1] == '/sensors':
Breaking down the different requests - Pythonic languages sure make this easier :slight_smile:

    display = create_PiicoDev_SSD1306()
    print('OLED not plugged in')

def showIP(ipStr):
        display.text(ipStr, 0,0, 1)
        print('OLED not plugged in')

Optionally showing the IP on the OLED when the server starts up - I’ve only had a quick look-in at the moment but if anyone knows how to efficiently de-initalise a Micropython library I’d love to hear!


Can it be done with Raspberry pi 4 also?


Hi Tepalia,

Most likely - I imagine there would be quite a bit of porting required though.
For beginner Makers the Pico W has a much lower price point, far more available and is perfect for simple tasks like this!

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Howdy all,

Let's make a super easy-to-use webserver!!

The main goal was to strip away much of the technical code and expose sensors in a Pythonic fashion - like a dictionary!
Thats right, all of the code you see in the two examples is what we need

If we wanted to see the state of a potentiometer and button the code would look like the following:

import homestation
from machine import Pin,ADC

ssid = 'your wifi name'
password = 'your wifi password'

adc = ADC(Pin(26))
button = Pin(14, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN)

def getPot():
    return (adc.read_u16()*3.3/(65536))

def getButton():
    return button.value()

sensorData = {
    "Button": getPot,
    "Potentiometer :": getButton,



And say if we wanted the temperature, pressure, humidity and light values?

*Here's a cool bit!*
# HomeStation - Liam Howell -
import homestation

from PiicoDev_Unified import sleep_ms

from PiicoDev_BME280 import PiicoDev_BME280
from PiicoDev_VEML6030 import PiicoDev_VEML6030

# Create PiicoDev sensor objects
atmo = PiicoDev_BME280()
lght = PiicoDev_VEML6030()

import secrets 
# Configure your WiFi SSID and password
ssid = secrets.ssid_s
password = secrets.password_s

def atmoList():
    tempC, presPa, humRH = atmo.values()
    return tempC, presPa/100, humRH #[degC,hPa,RH]

sensorData = {
    ".Atmo": atmoList,
    "Temperature :": ['Atmo',0],
    "Pressure: ": ['Atmo',1],
    "Humidity: ": ['Atmo',2],
    "Light: ":,


If a single function returns a few values we can ‘pack’ them inside the dictionary, just add a dot to the front of the name of the actual sensor, instead of the function name use a list with the name of the sensor and which position it is passed from


Any questions, suggestions or feedback please let me know!

The library can be found on GitHub: