LineageOS on Raspberry Pi 4

Hi Everyone, Newbie on the scene
I have been struggling with my project i am hoping to get some help.
I have been able to get some way down the track with my RasPi4 to run LineageOS 19.1.
i am following this article LineageOS 19 (Android 12L) for Raspberry Pi 4
I do realise it is an unsupported OS for the RasPi
i have enabled the root and
I am having trouble with enabling the root shell to edit the boot\config.txt file using ADB tool
I am able to connect to the device via wifi and pull/push files to and fro but cannot seem to nano in sudo mode
Trying to

  • rotate the waveshare 5.5" screen (as wonderfully presented on one of CoreElec’s Youtube video)
  • enable audio via the GPIO pins
  • enable on/off switch via the GPIO pins


Hi Song,

It looks like there aren’t too many members of our staff with the in-depth knowledge required to troubleshoot the issue in LineageOS.
It might be best to try and reach out to someone with a bit more hands on experience with that linux distro.
I can see LineageOS have an IRC, Reddit, and Discord which may have more answers than we can find.