Pycom LoPy 1.0 unable to update firmware using Expansion Board 2.0

Dear Core Electronics,

I purchased 2 PyCom LoPy modules. One of the LoPy modules is plugged into the Pysense board and the other is plugged into a Pycom Expansion Board 2.0. I have followed the instructions on the Pycom website for Firmware installation. See link below. This seemed to work for the LoPy module plugged into the Pysense board.

When I try to complete the firmware update with the Expansion Board 2.0 I get a message - The upgrade failed, please check the connections and try the setup steps again.

I am using a Mac - operating system Mac OS Sierra version 10.12.6.

I have a aerial attached to the LoRa connection.
I have jumper leads across the GND and Pin G23.
I swapped USB cables to check is this was the issue.

When the jumper leads are removed I can connect to the PyCom LoPy module using the wireless connection (with power delivered by the USB cable). The device shows up as lopy-wlan-4260.

I can ftp into the device using <ftp>. Using username - and password

I want to try to use LoRa between the two modules I have using some simple code uploaded into the directory and writing over <> and <>.

This is where I have the issue.
The code is:

from machine import UART
import machine
import os
uart = UART(0, baudrate=115200)

The code that I want to upload is:

from network import LoRa
import socket
import time
import pycom

lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORA, region=LoRa.AU915)
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW)

while True:
pycom.rgbled(0xFF7F00) # yellow
pycom.rgbled(0x0000FF) # blue

But this code seems to fail… and the rgbled light doesn’t light up.

If I just upload the <> code:

from network import LoRa
import socket
import time
import pycom

while True:
pycom.rgbled(0xFF7F00) # yellow

pycom.rgbled(0x0000FF)   # blue

The rgbleds light up as per the while True loop. There seems to be something wrong with the LoRa component of the module - perhaps a library?

Can you please help.



Found the solution in the end - in the Pycom documentation at the very end…

If you are having any issues, make sure the TX jumper is present on your expansion board, as the jumpers sometimes come loose in the box during transport. Without this jumper, the updater will fail.

I found that the TX jumper lead was missing on my board. I used some jumper leads and was able to complete the update.


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That’s great intel, thanks for updating us Edmond!

Please do head on back to share your progress - we’re all ears :slight_smile: