Raspberry 4 (bullseye) HQ camera module problem

Hi guys, I have a small project for school and the gave me a Raspberry 4 with a HQ camera module, for now I simply want to take a picture with it. I have fallowed the standard protocol. (update, cheking if the camera is detected with vcgenmd get_camera detected = 1) Now, when I try to use the camera with libcamera-hello I recieve this: “Made X/EGL preview window
[0:16:59.653722272] [1581]. INFO Camera camera manager.cpp:299 libcamera v0.04+22-923f5d70
ERROR : no camera available

I have not seen anyone in numerous vids plug the camera with anyother wires than the ribbon cable, but this official Pi site tells us to connect a 3.3V to the camera: https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/accessories/camera.html

I am all new to this so please if you need more info to help me plz let me know. Thanks

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Hi Marc.
Welcome to the forums.

Would you mind sharing the code that you used to generate this error? :slight_smile:

My understanding from the Raspberry Pi documentation is that relates to using Synchronous Camera’s. Not needed for a single camera.

This is from the documentation for the camera, .pdf on the Core Electronics product page.
Have you tried these commands ??

Operating the camera
First, enable the camera in Raspbian: in the Raspbian menu, select Preferences,
then Raspberry Pi Configuration. Click the Interfaces tab, find the Camera
entry in the list, and select Enabled. Click OK, and reboot your Raspberry Pi
when prompted.

raspistill is a command line tool for capturing camera images.
To check your camera is correctly installed, open a terminal window (Raspbian menu >
Accessories > Terminal) and take a test photograph by entering the command:
raspistill -o test.jpg

When you hit ENTER a live preview image will appear, and after a default period
of five seconds, the camera will capture a single still image. This will be saved
in your home folder and named test.jpg.

To use the camera just as a viewfinder, without saving a photo, use this
raspistill -t 0

For more detailed information about installing and operating camera software,
refer to https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/camera.md.
For more advanced information about controlling the camera, see
Alternatively, refer to The Official Raspberry Pi Camera Guide, published by
Raspberry Pi Press.

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Hi @MarcAntoine271070, Welcome to the Forums!!!

It sounds like the instructions you are following may be outdated.

This forum post from Raspberry Pi goes into quite a bit of detail but the basics of it is after connecting the camera and booting into Pi OS the only thing you should need to do is use libcamera-hello

I’d recommend running libcamera-hello --list-cameras to see if the camera is detected.

Is there any particular reason for using Bullseye over Bookworm?

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Hi, the error in question appens when I type “libcamera-hello” in the terminal. Nothing more… Hope im precise enough. Thanks!

Hi thank you for the welcome! First thank you for the link it seems very thorough, I will follow the steps in it and try to make this work.

For the Bullseye vs Bookworm, I will be honest I am still processing all the terms and versions. I assume that I am using Bulleyes because some one told me so (not very wise i know ahaha). Its only one part of the project so I have multiple things to learn simultaneously. I’ll get there!


Yes, I have seen these documents before, but it looks like I don’t have the same version (or edition, I’m not familiar with the terms yet) because I don’t have the option to “enable the camera in Raspbian” as described in the instructions. In the Raspbian menu, I select Preferences, then Raspberry Pi Configuration. However, I do not see the Camera option in the Interfaces tab. Instead, I only see options like SSH, VNC, SPI, I2C, etc., which are all set to “ON.” I’m guessing those instructions are for older versions?

Thanks for the reply!

Hi Marc,

Hopefully I am not yet again making things more confusing. Raspberry Pi in the last few months has made several changes to their camera libraries. More documentation on that can be found here.

Give the command rpicam-hello a go.

If you could also share some photos of your setup that would help us rule out any hardware issues.


Type this command to find out which you have.
cat /etc/os-release
e.g. VERSION=“12 (bookworm)”


Thank you all for the assist, I simply had to add “dtoverlay=imx477” in the configurations. If anyone has that problem again!

Thanks again.