Raspberry Pi Camera Module NoIR

Received this camera new today. When connected to a Rpi3 that was using the RPi camera, the NoIR camera would not work. When the NoIR camera was fitted to a RPi 4, it worked.

The Pi3 works, the NoIR camera works, but not when connected together.

Here is the error message when trying raspivid -o vid.h264

mmal: mmal vc component enable: failed to enable component: ENOSPC
mmal: camera component couldn’t be enabled
mmal: main: Failed to create camera component
mmal: Failed to run camera app. Please check for firmware updates

I have googled answers and updated everything, but none of the suggestions fixed the fault.

Please help.

Hey Geoff,
Welcome Back!

That seems a bit strange, are you using the same SD card in both Pis when using the camera?
Could you let me know if the ‘libcamera-hello’ command works without issue?

These things will help us figure out if the issue is primarily with the Pi itself or integration with the camera module between versions and may be able to help us get this fixed up for you.



Different SD cards between the Rpi3 and the Rpi4.

Libcamera-hello displays:

bash: libcamera-hello: command not found

Note that the Rpi camera that worked, the one I swapped out with the NoIR camera, was connected to Rpi model 3 and using raspivid. When the NoIR was connected to that same Rpi 3, and raspvid was started the following message:

mmal: mmal_vc_component_enable: failed to enable component: ENOSPC

mmal: camera component couldn’t be enabled

mmal: main: Failed to create camera component

mmal: Failed to run camera app. Please check for firmware updates

Today I am trying another know-good Rpi 3.


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The ENOSPC error typically means that there are no resources left for the operation to succeed. In the case of the Raspberry Pi camera, it often indicates that another process is already using the camera module, preventing raspivid from accessing it.

Here are a few potential solutions to this issue:

  1. Check for other processes using the camera: Use the lsof command to see if any other processes are using the camera. You can do this by typing sudo lsof /dev/video0 in the terminal. If any processes are listed, you can stop them using the kill command with the PID of the process.
  2. Enable camera support: Make sure that camera support is enabled in the Raspberry Pi configuration settings. You can access these settings by typing sudo raspi-config in the terminal, then selecting ‘Interfacing Options’, then ‘Camera’, and then enabling it.
  3. Update the firmware: Although the user reported that they already checked for firmware updates, it’s worth double-checking to make sure the Raspberry Pi’s firmware and software are fully up to date. This can be done by running sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade and sudo rpi-update in the terminal.
  4. Check the camera connection: Ensure that the camera is properly connected to the Raspberry Pi. Sometimes, issues can arise if the camera’s ribbon cable is not securely inserted into the camera port.

All those checks were done multiple times. There were no other processes active. The NoIR camera was a replacement for the original Raspberry Pi camera rev 1.3 which was working correctly. When it was removed and replaced with the No IR camera the error message was shown. All connections were correct and the NoIR camera worked when fitted to a Rpi 4. When connected to the Rpi 4 the NoIR camera worked first up no changes to any firmware or coding was needed.

Clearly there is an issue with using the NoIR camera on a Rpi3. I have abandoned this and will now use the NoIR camera on a Rpi 4 if I can find one.