Several Pi Zero boards won't detect to any of 3 camera modules

I have 3 boards (2 x Pi Zero W and 1 x Pi Zero 2 W).
I have 3 camera modules ( 1 x v2, 1 x v3 and 1 x v3 NoIR)
I have 1 short and 1 long camera connector.
I have been unable to connect any of the cameras to any of the boards (so the camera is detected) using either of the connectors. I have been careful to orient the connectors correctly.
I have used Raspberry OS with Motion, RPi-Cam-Web-Interface and Motioneye without success…
All 3 boards appear to operate normally otherwise, even when connected to a camera. When I use the vcgencmd get_camera the response is “supported=1 detected=0, libcamera interfaces=0”.
Any guidance on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

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Hey Alan,

Seems there has been a bit of an issue with Cameras lately that we have been looking into getting fixed up. Raspberry Pi themselves have made considerable efforts to get these issues fixed and are moving over to using different commands in the near future.

As for the Zero 2 W I have had an awful time in past using MotioneyeOS on the 02W as there’s no supported OS for it. However depending on what your use case is, you may need to use another alternative option like HomeAssistant to get it set up.

Let us know how you go getting this one sorted and if there’s any further testing we can get set up here, I am more than happy to help.



Hi Blayden

Thanks for the response.

I was beginning to think that, as a noob, I might have made some fundamental errors. I was on a steep learning curve, given my electronics/computing training was some 40 years ago in the days of 8-bit processors and operating systems. Maybe not so, after all.

I have ordered and received fresh components so that I can retry with considerably more experience.

I will keep in touch



Well, I ordered and received a v2 NoIR camera and connectors. I connected the camera to one of my Pi Zeros, installed motioneye and voila, it worked - for a couple of days. Now it will no longer detect the camera. So I now have 2 X v2 cameras and 2 X v3 cameras that are unusable. Very disappointed.


Hi Alan,

Sorry to hear you are having trouble!

Would it be possible to send through a photo of your project? Is it in an environment where there might be a lot of vibrations or other conditions that arent great for electronics?

Keen to get to the bottom of this one!

Hi Liam

Thanks for your response.

As you will see from the attached photos, I have been successful in connecting the v2 NoIR camera recently purchased to the Pi Zero and implementing motioneye. It is powered from a 5200 mAh power bank. Vibration is not an issue.

Unfortunately I have been unable to successfully connect the v2 nor v3 cameras, even using recently purchased connectors. I didn’t have any success connecting to my Pi4, which suggests to me the problem being in the cameras.

A previous response from Blayden mentioned that there have been recent issues with Pi cameras. Could my camera problems be a warranty issue?



NoIr camera setup.jpg

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Hi Alan,

Shoot us an email and we can do a bit of a deep dive there to see if it is a hardware issue. If you’re not having luck on your Pi 4 it could be a possibility.

Good morning Jack

Over the weekend I ran a series of tests.

To minimise the number of variables, I tested each camera using the same Pi Zero board, short connector and the same SD card loaded with the same instance of motioneye OS.

The results indicate that only my recent purchase of the v2 NoIR camera was detected. Neither of my v3 cameras have ever worked, and my v2 initial purchase worked briefly before expiring.

I have attached a screen shot for each of the cameras.



Hey Alan,

I’m sorry to hear these cameras have given you so much trouble.

If you send us an email, preferable with a link to this forum post so we have all the information, to we can help get these fixed up for you.

It seems odd that so many of these cameras would fail to work like this so its likely its a setup issue that needs to be fixed but of course your still welcome to ask for some 1 on 1 support especially if the outcome is looking like a few faulty cameras.

In the meantime hopefully someone on the forum can offer some advice on how to get those cameras working for you.

After several weeks of sporadic trials and investigation I have found that

  • my v2NoIR camera works under motioneye OS and RasPi OS (32-bit, 2024-03-15)
  • v3 works under RasPi OS (32-bit, 2024-03-15)
  • v3NoIR works under RasPi OS (32-bit, 2024-03-15)
    but sadly the v2 does not work under either OS. This includes on 3 Pi Zeros, 1 Pi Zero 2 and 1 Pi4 and several camera connectors.

Hey Alan,

Glad to see that you have made some headway on this! At the least every bit of troubleshooting is a massive step in learning about things. I know some projects Ill never forget particular information on after hours of troubleshooting them.

If the last camera is still not functioning despite being tested on all those different devices, we can likely move forward with an RMA on them. Just send us an email via and we will follow this up with you to get you sorted.


Hey Alan,
It means that
Pi zero v1.3 will support module v3 cameras, if so
Could you just help me with the setup, I am a beginner and don’t know anything sadly,
And how to set-up the highest resolution also as I’m using v3 for better video quality so

Hey @Rocky274442,

Could you provide some more information as to the issues you are running into?

1)I have a pi zero v1.3 ( non wireless)
Will it detect v1 and v3 camera module?

  1. How can I start and stop filming on my Pi Zero (non-wireless) and can I record lengthy films for surveillance purposes …? And store the recordings in sd card…?

The Raspberry Pi Zero v1.3 (non-wireless) is compatible with both the Raspberry Pi Camera Module v1 and v3. You can connect either of these camera modules to the Pi Zero using the CSI connector.

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Thanks for the reply.
Can I capture videos for surveillance purposes that last five or six hours? And how do I begin the video recording—is it as simple as plugging in and playing it?

It is possible to do this by using raspivid command. You can go through this camera documentation.
However, I can’t assure about the speed and video quality. Usually experts recommend a full-fledged Raspberry pi for survilence purposes.

Hi Rocky,

Welcome to the forum! You could possibly run into storage issues recording for that long. Make sure that you take that into account before you get started!

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Hi Rocky
I don’t know if it beans anything but my dash cam (which could be similar) uses a bit more than 300M for every 5 min clip. That would be about 4G per hour. This might be some indication of what card size you need.
Cheers Bob

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I appreciate all of the responses.

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