Suggest sensor hats for Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

We have two Raspberrypis with Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 8GB and configured with NFC HAT ((PN532) for Raspberry Pi.
We plan to get a sensor hat for the two Raspberry Pis. Can anyone suggest all the options for a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with compatibility in mind? Thank you.

Hi @Kishore272612, Welcome to the Forums!!!

Could you let us know what sort of sensors you’re looking for to add to the Pi’s?
It would help narrow down the search

Thank you, Aaron, for your reply. We were planning to add a sensory hat to gather room temperature, humidity, and image data. We’re unsure if this is too ambitious

It should be possible to get this working :slight_smile:

The NFC HAT (PN532) has selectable interfaces for the Raspberry Pi so it should be possible to get other devices working on the alternative pins.

An option for a HAT would be the Raspberry Pi Sense HAT V2 It can do temperature and humidity.

If you use UART for the NFC HAT then it leaves the I2C and SPI pins free for the sense HAT according to the pinout for the Sense HAT in this schematic

An alternative is to use the Piicodev Adapter for Raspberry Pi along with the sensors you require such as atmospheric or temperature.

Thank you, Aaron. This may work for us. Truly appreciate your time.

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You can also take a look at Pimoroni Automation HAT

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