Zero w WIFI died on new image

I did a fresh install of stretch lite, added a blank ssh and the following wpa_supplicant.conf to the sd, booted but get no wifi. If you go into raspi-config and set locale etc, reboot and then go to the wifi section it errors “could not communicate with wpa_supplicant” if you do an ifdown it said “unknown interface” Tried a new sd but same issue. Was working fine until I had to do a reimage of the card…tried the stretch lite from June and the latest (2018-06-27-raspbian-stretch-lite) but no difference…I’m a noobie (more or less) so hoping it is an oversight on my part.
wpa_supplicant.conf is
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
ssid=“my router name”
psk=“my wpa password”

I did another reimage with the old stretch-lite (18-4-2018), booted it and went straight into raspi-config, wifi, set country code, set it to AU and exited …wifi came up and I can ssh to it again…don’t know what changed between working\not working\working. I rebooted the wifi router so maybe something was out of synch there? copying the wpa_supplicant.conf & ssh to the boot sd doesn’t seem to work…I had to set it in raspi-config and activate ssh for it all to work.

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Hi Greg
Try adding ap_scan=1 on the line before update_config=1 this tells the pi to look for networks.
Though I think your problem is being caused by the capital ‘n’ in Network. So this would look like:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
ssid=“my router name”
psk=“my wpa password”

Thank goodness for guru’s!!! I changed the capital N to lower case n and it booted wifi…well done Clinton :smile:

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No worries at all, glad I could get you out of trouble! Case errors on keywords are a necessary step on the path to guru.

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